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Hey, Ya'll,
I'm hanging out working on April's ezine while the boys are at AWANA. They go every Wednesday night just like I used to...well I was in 5th and 6th grade and they are in preschool and Kindergarten but they love it.
This month I'm bringing you a digital layout, a mini book that I made out of a free photo book and 3 card designs. I am really enjoying learning more and more about digital scrapbooking...I've included links for 2 new pages I've posted to my main site. I'm spending a lot of time compiling free digital resources. Hope you enjoy!
There are a few ways to keep in touch - you can visit my site over at free-scrapbooking-ideas-and-videos.com or follow along with my weekly adventures over at the good old blog - racheltaylor.wordpress.com or subscribe to my YouTube channel - ThankYouLord for ideas, videos, website resource finds and reviews or great deals like the one I just posted...where to get 100 photo prints shipped to you for just 1.99!
Here are a few pages from my site ya'll might enjoy:
4 Amazing Free Font Sites
Search Engines to Find Digital Freebies Everyday
Also, let me know what you’d like to see included in upcoming issues. Send me a line at rachel@free-scrapbooking-ideas-and-videos.com. You might have to go through my contact page at the main site because that address has heavy spam filters on it...I might not get it if you just send it from your email program. : )
For Member’s Only…
When you subscribe to The Real-Life Scrapbooker’s Resource, you get access to all of the back issues. Every issue is filled with exclusive layouts and ideas. You won’t find any of the layouts or card designs anywhere on free-scrapbooking-ideas-and-videos.com so it’s a FREE Member’s Only area. Every month you can count on fresh, free ideas for your scrapbooking! And here’s another thought. Every month, put the new issue in a folder in your email software and when you sit down to scrapbook, you’ll have tons of ideas right at your fingertips.
Subscribe to The Real-Life Scrapbooker’s Resource
12 x 12 Layout Ideas - Digital
Techno Geek - This month I'm bringing you a digital layout. If you're new to digital and you want to learn more, check out my
Learn Digital Scrapbooking Page.
I am still a bit new to the digital scene but here are a couple of things I LOVE about it: there is very little mess...it all stays on your computer screen AND it is very inexpensive...you don't have to buy a lot and you can use the elements over and over. You will have to buy some things like computer memory – portable hard drives or flash drives or that type of thing for storing all the files and layouts.
I created this layout with a free kit from
The kit is called Techno Geek. I got it as a free kit a couple of months ago. You can get free kits from them by going to their site and clicking on the FREE tab on the top nav bar...check back every so often for new free stuff! I think you can still get this kit...you'll just have to purchase it. My husband is most definitely a techno geek so this was perfect. I used only stuff from the kit and it turned out SO cute!

Mini Book Idea – When I Worry This book came about when I was making my weekly shopping list/plan. I was looking through the sale papers and the Target flier advertised a free photo book from KodakGallery.com. I started thinking about it and decided to order one and embellish it like a scrapbook mini album. It turned out really fun. I decided to do it with the title When I Worry. I took photos of many of the things that God has provided over the last year or so...things that I've worried about or wondered how I would find or afford them and God sent them through great sales, garage sales and thrift stores! So, when I start to worry in the future, I can pull out my book and REMEMBER! My husband just referred me to my little book last night. Hmm...maybe I really do need it? : ) I embellished it very simply. I used stamps from Technique Tuesday and repeated the circle theme with the stamps and some punch outs on the pages.

Card Making Ideas - One of the most popular pages on my site is all about
vellum uses in scrapbooking
so I decided to show you how to use vellum in your card designs as well...vellum envelopes!
Thank You #1 – I love the simplicity of these 3 card designs. This one was done with a piece of ribbon, silver word stick-ons and the flower embellishment. Super simple! The fun part is the vellum envelope. I've had these for a while so I'm not quite sure where I found them...probably Hobby Lobby.

Thank You #2 - Once again, I love the simple design...two pieces of intersecting ribbon and the Thank You embellishment. That's it!

Thank You #3 - On this one, I used a stamp for the flower and then added the ribbon and the Thanks a Bunch embellishment.

Until sometime around the middle of May…
Send Me Your Layouts...
I’d love to see what you’ve been up to. I’ll pick 2 or 3 for each issue and publish them along with your photo (if you want) and a bio about your real life scrapbooking adventures. So, send them to Rachel@free-scrapbooking-ideas-and-videos.com with “e-zine layout submission” in the subject line.
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