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and read back issue December 2012 to see the full version.
Hey, Ya'll,
Well, I'm thankful to be getting this e-zine out this month and I'm thankful that I got some more layouts made! I've done baby steps and then I've done some extra longer sessions. This time of year, I tend to have more time than in the Summer with all the yard work and such. : ) Last week, I got a few new scrapbook albums and organized a bunch of my layouts that were in my 12 x 12 drawers (not in albums). I also got some extender posts for my post bound albums and expanded them so they weren't so stuffed. It was SO nice to organize a bit. It had been "weighing" on my for a while. I've also gotten a couple of new pages posted to my site...scroll on down and see what's new!"
What's New?
How to use an eyelet punch to make a large page element
Free Digital Scrapbook Kit
Free Printable Scrapbook Stuff
Wanna find something on my site? - I have a search box, yeah!
Ways to keep in touch -
My website!
My Blog!
My YouTube Channel!
My Facebook Page!
Also, let me know what you’d like to see included in upcoming issues. Send me a line at rachel@free-scrapbooking-ideas-and-videos.com. You might have to go through my contact page at the main site because that address has heavy spam filters on it...I might not get it if you just send it from your email program. : )
For Member’s Only…
When you subscribe to The Real-Life Scrapbooker’s Resource, you get access to all of the back issues. Every issue is filled with exclusive layouts and ideas. You won’t find any of the layouts or card designs anywhere on free-scrapbooking-ideas-and-videos.com so it’s a FREE Member’s Only area. Every month you can count on fresh, free ideas for your scrapbooking! And here’s another thought. Every month, put the new issue in a folder in your email software and when you sit down to scrapbook, you’ll have tons of ideas right at your fingertips.
Subscribe to The Real-Life Scrapbooker’s Resource
Playing Library
I tried some free scrapbook printables on this one!!! SO cool! I've used e-cuts before from Scrapbook.com and they've lasted for 6-8 years with my not so special printer and ink so I've been inspired to use some of the awesome free scrapbook stuff out there. On this layout, the printable is the old style library card. And it was quite appropriate...I usually don't use super themed elements but I like the way this turned out! I decided to do an 8.5 x 11 size layout since I was only going to show 1 photo. I have quite a few others printed and inserted them in the pocket I made.
Title: clear alphabet stamps from 7 Gypsies. I'm not sure what they are called, but the item number on the barcode is SC0505
Free Printable Library Card: http://www.tortagialla.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/libraryjournalingcards1.pdf
Butterfly patterned scrapbook paper: Michaels Store
Summer Goal
I love how simple this layout turned out! It is an 8.5 x 11 on white card stock. I just matted the 4 x 6 photo with green card stock and then added the stamp with black ink. The last step was some hand journaling and I was done...such an easy scrapbook layout!
Stamp: 97632 Sketchy Flourishes by Inkadinkado - I got these at Michaels very recently! : )

What about next month?
You just never know. We'll see...stay tuned to
to find out.
Until sometime around the middle of January
Send Me Your Layouts...
I’d love to see what you’ve been up to. I’ll pick 2 or 3 for each issue and publish them along with your photo (if you want) and a bio about your real life scrapbooking adventures. So, send them to Rachel@free-scrapbooking-ideas-and-videos.com with “e-zine layout submission” in the subject line.