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Hey, Ya'll,
Well, the holidays are over and the new year has begun. Do you make New Year's Resolutions? I don't. I just try to take one day at a time and do the best I can to make good choices.
This month, I'm bringing you a New Year's Eve layout. If you watch my YouTube channel, you heard about the free New Years digital scrapbooking kit over at PeppermintCreative.com. Guess what? It is still available.
Find out where to get it!
I was able to create a super cool layout with it. Yeah! You'll see it in just a minute...before that I want you to check out my latest addition...yep. It's right below this...it's all about cookbook scrapbooking.
What's New?
Cookbook Scrapbooking
Want to preserve your family recipes and the stories of the people who serve those foods? There are so many ideas and possibilities for how to create your scrapbook for recipes. If you're like me, you start searching and you get overwhelmed. I've done my best here to break it down. I know there are SO many more variations and spin-offs you could try but this page is full of ideas to get you started.
Recipe Scrapbooking
I'll show you videos, links and ideas for creating 4 different kinds of scrap projects for all of your favorite meals. You can create albums just for you or get great gift ideas. There are so many kinds of albums and so many ways to organize and scrap your cooking adventures. Or maybe you want to put all of your heritage type recipes together...your grandmother's famous pumpkin pie and your Aunt Martha's creamed potatoes. I have put together 5 other ideas on this page ...you'll find a great video all about creating an heirloom recipe book.
Ways to keep in touch - you can visit my site over at
or follow along with my weekly adventures over at the good old blog -
or subscribe to my YouTube channel -
Also, let me know what you’d like to see included in upcoming issues. Send me a line at rachel@free-scrapbooking-ideas-and-videos.com. You might have to go through my contact page at the main site because that address has heavy spam filters on it...I might not get it if you just send it from your email program. : )
For Member’s Only…
When you subscribe to The Real-Life Scrapbooker’s Resource, you get access to all of the back issues. Every issue is filled with exclusive layouts and ideas. You won’t find any of the layouts or card designs anywhere on free-scrapbooking-ideas-and-videos.com so it’s a FREE Member’s Only area. Every month you can count on fresh, free ideas for your scrapbooking! And here’s another thought. Every month, put the new issue in a folder in your email software and when you sit down to scrapbook, you’ll have tons of ideas right at your fingertips.
Subscribe to The Real-Life Scrapbooker’s Resource
12 x 12 Layout Ideas -
New Year's Eve 2011 –
This was a fun layout to do. I was looking through my old Creating Keepsakes magazines and came across a tutorial on creating a circle template. I took the challenge since I'm trying to learn a little something new at a time. I like the way it turned out. I had to work out a few kinks along the way.

I've created a video tutorial for you - learn how to create a circle photo collage in Photoshop Elements
Real Life...Getting Sidetracked : ) -
My youtube subscribers will remember that I as I was working on the second layout for this edition I decided that I needed some more Photoshop skills/learning...so I'm planning to work on that 30 minutes at a time using a video class I found over at TwoPeasinaBucket.com. So, stay tuned on how that progresses. All that to say, I'm only bringing you one layout this month but I'm glad I was able to do a video tutorial. Hope you had fun with it and you can create your own circle collage!
Wanna learn digital? See how I started!
What about next month?
I've thought about working on my rolodex album a bit more and showing you all about that or maybe just some stuff that I've learned from the digital class I'm planning to work on? We'll see...stay tuned to
to find out.
Until sometime around the middle of February…
Send Me Your Layouts...
I’d love to see what you’ve been up to. I’ll pick 2 or 3 for each issue and publish them along with your photo (if you want) and a bio about your real life scrapbooking adventures. So, send them to Rachel@free-scrapbooking-ideas-and-videos.com with “e-zine layout submission” in the subject line.
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