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and read back issue May 2012 to see the full version.
Hey, Ya'll,
It's been a fun month. I'm still doing lots of yard work and most of our garden is planted. I've still been able to get quite a bit of scrapbooking done. Yay! This month I'm bringing you 2 fun layouts...one about Crazy Hair Night at Wednesday Kids Bible Study and one about my 8 year old's Treasures. I've been inspired by The Paperclipping Roundtable to document more than just events. So, I took a photo of my son's desk...where he keeps all his favorite things. Then I asked him to write about it. So, I have his favorite stuff and his hand writing from this time in his life.
What's New?
Facebook Fan page and Pinterest!!!
I'm really enjoying my Facebook page. I love being able to post in snippets instead of feeling like I have to write a lot for a blog post. So come on over and check it out. You'll find inspiration to set your timer and get your scrapbooking done!
My New Facebook Fan Page!
Find me on Pinterest!
Wanna find something on my site? - I have a search box, yeah!
Ways to keep in touch - you can visit my site over at
or follow along with my weekly adventures over at the good old blog -
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Also, let me know what you’d like to see included in upcoming issues. Send me a line at rachel@free-scrapbooking-ideas-and-videos.com. You might have to go through my contact page at the main site because that address has heavy spam filters on it...I might not get it if you just send it from your email program. : )
For Member’s Only…
When you subscribe to The Real-Life Scrapbooker’s Resource, you get access to all of the back issues. Every issue is filled with exclusive layouts and ideas. You won’t find any of the layouts or card designs anywhere on free-scrapbooking-ideas-and-videos.com so it’s a FREE Member’s Only area. Every month you can count on fresh, free ideas for your scrapbooking! And here’s another thought. Every month, put the new issue in a folder in your email software and when you sit down to scrapbook, you’ll have tons of ideas right at your fingertips.
Subscribe to The Real-Life Scrapbooker’s Resource
Crazy Hair Night
For this one, I chose a retro-inspired 12 x 12 patterned paper for the background. Next, I added the vellum and the brown card stock strip down the right side. I attached both of those with staples. Then I adhered the 4 x 6 photos and used my wavy edge scissors on a piece of white card stock to form the decorative piece under the bottom photo. I used foam stamps and sepia StazOn for the title. Finally, I added the hand journaling.

I used a plain piece of tan colored card stock for the back ground here. Next, I added the green card stock accent under the photos. I used my corner rounder on the photos and the accent card stock. The title is done with Making Memories rub-ons. The embellishment on the bottom right is done with a leftover punch out sheet.
See what I'm talking about.

What about next month?
You just never know. We'll see...stay tuned to
to find out.
Until sometime around the middle of June
Send Me Your Layouts...
I’d love to see what you’ve been up to. I’ll pick 2 or 3 for each issue and publish them along with your photo (if you want) and a bio about your real life scrapbooking adventures. So, send them to Rachel@free-scrapbooking-ideas-and-videos.com with “e-zine layout submission” in the subject line.
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