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Hey, Ya'll,
Most of the yard work is done and I do feel like I have more time for scrapbooking. : ) In fact, I found some great Stampin' Up stamps at a yard sale last week and got seriously inspired. I created 7 12 x 12 layouts in a couple of hours. Go me! I'm going to show you 2 of them this month.
What's New?
Not much I'm sad to say...
I'm getting there. Nothing new to report yet but I'm getting ready to do a video review on Photobin.com. I finally finished and ordered my photo book and I'm almost ready to do the review. Stay tuned....
Wanna find something on my site? - I have a search box, yeah!
Ways to keep in touch - you can visit my site over at
or follow along with my weekly adventures over at the good old blog -
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Also, let me know what you’d like to see included in upcoming issues. Send me a line at rachel@free-scrapbooking-ideas-and-videos.com. You might have to go through my contact page at the main site because that address has heavy spam filters on it...I might not get it if you just send it from your email program. : )
For Member’s Only…
When you subscribe to The Real-Life Scrapbooker’s Resource, you get access to all of the back issues. Every issue is filled with exclusive layouts and ideas. You won’t find any of the layouts or card designs anywhere on free-scrapbooking-ideas-and-videos.com so it’s a FREE Member’s Only area. Every month you can count on fresh, free ideas for your scrapbooking! And here’s another thought. Every month, put the new issue in a folder in your email software and when you sit down to scrapbook, you’ll have tons of ideas right at your fingertips.
Subscribe to The Real-Life Scrapbooker’s Resource
Storm Chasers
I used one of my favorite techniques on this layout...the paperbag. I love having a pocket to "hide" other photos and such in. This time I made it part of the "tornado" on the layout. My 6 year old has been obsessed with tornadoes ever since we started our weather study. His Nana got both of the boys a tornado maker and the first episode of Storm Chasers. The boys had so much fun creating their own "weather curriculum" by video taping themselves giving lectures on weather. My husband helped them put it on a DVD and even made a case and a label for it. I'm planning to put a copy of it in the paper bag. In a pocket on the back of the layout, I'm going to put the "textbook" they made to go along with the DVD. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I let Weston made the dust cloud at the bottom of the tornado. That was one of the things I remember most from the DVD they made - Weston's tornado drawings. : )
I used a plain piece of brown card stock for the background. At the bottom of the paper bag I used a triangle stamp from Stampin' Up to form the bottom of the tornado. The title was made with alphabet stamps from Hobby Lobby. I used a stapler to adhere the pic to the paper bag.

Weston, Eat!
I say this SO many times every day and I found this great pic of Weston dawdling over his food so I thought it would make a great layout. Definitely the things memories are made from. This was a super simple layout but really gets the point across. I used stamps for the title and then drew my own exclamation point. The bottom of the exclamation point is also a Stampin' Up circle stamp. SO easy but I really like the way it turned out!!!

What about next month?
You just never know. We'll see...stay tuned to
to find out.
Until sometime around the middle of December…
Send Me Your Layouts...
I’d love to see what you’ve been up to. I’ll pick 2 or 3 for each issue and publish them along with your photo (if you want) and a bio about your real life scrapbooking adventures. So, send them to Rachel@free-scrapbooking-ideas-and-videos.com with “e-zine layout submission” in the subject line.
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