Scrapbook Desk

I'll show you my budget friendly solution and show you a designer option

Scrapbook Desk – Well, mine works very well for me. I use my old drafting board from interior design school days and then use plastic drawers to organize my supplies. It isn't the prettiest thing but it isn't too bad and it is extremely practical. If money wasn't an issue, I would probably get a Scrapbox. Those things are awesome!

Scrapbook Desk 1 – The “Cadillac” option – I think this is the coolest thing in the world. I love that it is self contained and closes and looks like a nice piece of furniture. That is what I like best about it – everything is behind closed doors when you're not using it. I can imagine there would still be messes – like when you're working on a project and don't feel like closing it. But I would love to be “able” to close it. The Scrapbox gives you lots of ways to organize your scrapping supplies.

Can't afford the retail price – check out their scratch 'n' dent section! Official Website

My Top 3 Reviews for The Scrapbox scrapbook desk:

See a "normal" person put this together!

How to fit your Cricut in The Scrapbox!

Just a good review! : )

What I like about the Scrapbox:

- closes completely to hide all your supplies and looks like a nice piece of furniture

- has a paper tower accessory piece you can add for more storage space

- comes in designer finishes

- helps you organize your scrap stuff

There are a few things I can see maybe being a problem with this scrapbook desk : ( Nothing is perfect but I just had a couple of thoughts.

- I am a messy scrapbooker so I might end up getting the canvas totes dirty

- It seems like you might need a good bit of room when you open it and might not be able to put too many things around it. It just depends on your space and needs. You'd have to check the specs and your space and see if it would work.

Scrapbook Desk 2 – Here's what I use and it works great for me and my budget, though, long term I would love to have something that looks nicer like The Scrapbox. : )

Here's how I used these drawers in my old house!

What I like about my scrapbook space and scrapbook supply organization:

- It is budget friendly and you can add to it as your supplies grow and as your budget allows

- You can rearrange the drawers to fit your space – I've moved them around in many configurations. I love to be able to customize a lot.

- You can see through the drawers. This is good and bad to me. I like to be able to find what I am looking for but I also “don't” like to be able to see through them. I like things behind closed doors for less visual clutter.

- Did I mention that this scrapbook storage solution is very good if you're on a budget? : )

Find out more about The Scrapbox scrapbook desk

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