Scrapbooking Videos

see a rolodex album and a tiny box accordion album

These scrapbooking videos are of 2 of my favorite projects. The first one is a rolodex album and the second is an accordian album that I placed in a coordinating box. I'll tell you how I did it.

Scrapbooking Videos 1

This video is all about an rolodex album that I made. I originally saw the idea in Donna Downey's book Creative Albums. Watch and I'll show you most of the cards and tell you where I got the rolodex and how I put it together. I've also got a couple of ideas for themes you could do with this project. I'd love to hear your ideas. Visit my YouTube channel ThankYouLord and let me know what you think.

Scrapbooking Videos 2

See how I designed a box to house my accordian album all about a tiny house we used to live in. I drew a floorplan of our house and placed arrows on it pointing to the wall where each photo was taken and then I labeled the photos so I could always remember. Memories grow vague over time and I might not remember which angle or view the photo was taken from. This was such a fun project and one I still enjoy. I store it in my china cabinet.

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